Saturday, July 11, 2009

The Plan (loosely)

Alright guys and gals, so our band is going on tour, and I realized I have a materialistically excessive amount of clothing. I don't know if you are in the same boat or not on that one, but I am going to bring all of my clothes on tour and sell everything I can at shows and in towns everywhere between here and New Orleans. 100% of sales will go directly to the poor. By that, I mean that I am not writing a check to an organization, I am giving the poor the money cuz that's unconditional love and that's what Jesus said to do. He also said that if any person has two coats, to give one away. If you wanna join me in this, I will be taking any and all clothing donations: even scraps (I will try to sew some stuff together). No used underwear, please.

I encourage you to join us in helping the poor. It is our privilege to help bring the Kingdom to Earth, so if you'd like to contribute, you can give any of us clothes. If you wanna mail some things, my address is:

Phil Wilmot
1937 Smith Station Rd
Hanover, PA 17331

I encourage you (but not by force) to give even more than you are comfortable giving.

Also, if anyone wants to send a roll of very large paper for a banner that would be awesome. Non-perishable food donations also accepted. Still looking to borrow a spare tire for our trailer and some type of heating/grill/hot pad appliance to make rice and pasta and stuff on the road.

Please let your friends know about this also.

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